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Is Hemp Seed Oil The Same As CBD Oil?

July 30, 2023 3 min read

Is Hemp Seed Oil The Same As CBD Oil? - Leaf Remedys

Believe it or not, hemp seed oil and CBD oil are not at all the same.

So, before you complete your order on Amazon, we invite you to take a few minutes to read the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil below…

What is hemp seed oil?

Hemp seed oil is derived from the seeds of the hemp plant. It contains a perfect balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which provide therapeutic properties for the human skin and hair [¹].

We love hemp seed oil, and so does the beauty industry. It’s primarily used as a trendy therapeutic ingredient for topical skin care and hair products.

But some people use hemp seed oil to create salad dressings, as an ingredient in their recipes, or as a replacement for other cooking oils.

This is because hemp seed oil is a great source of vital nutrients like proteins, tocopherols, polyphenols, carbohydrates, and even cannabinoids. Needless to say, hemp seed oil is a highly sought-after ingredient that’s used in functional medicine as well [¹]. 


What is CBD oil?

CBD is a cannabinoid that’s also derived from the hemp plant, but it’s extracted from flowers, leaves, and stems of the hemp plant, rather than the seeds. Once it’s extracted, it’s then combined with a carrier oil like MCT oil.

Amazingly, CBD is also a key ingredient that’s loved by the beauty industry, and you’ll often find it in numerous topical skincare products. 

That said, there are three types of CBD oils found on the market: 

  • Full spectrum CBD oil–– Contains a full spectrum of terpenes and other therapeutic cannabinoids, including no more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC.
  • Broad spectrum CBD oil –– Contains various terpenes and therapeutic cannabinoids, with the exception of Delta 9 THC.
  • CBD isolate – Contains only CBD and nothing else.

Now, we all know that the benefits of CBD oil are amazing. Many people report feeling less anxious, well rested, and pain relief.

But we get it… You’re probably still wondering: Is CBD the same as Hemp Oil? 

No! Let us explain…

Hemp seed oil vs. CBD oil

The key difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil is that hemp seed oil contains little to no CBD. Whereas CBD oil is primarily made up of all CBD.

Another difference is that hemp seed oil is much cheaper than a bottle of high quality CBD oil. 

But you have to be careful and check the Certificate of Analysis (COA) to ensure that the CBD oil you’re buying truly contains the accurate amount of CBD listed on the bottle.

Since CBD and hemp seed are in the same family, it’s easy for shady brands to trick consumers. They’ll use fancy advertising and catchy hemp phrases that will make you think you’re getting one heck of a deal. When in reality, the bottle that says, “CBD hemp oil” doesn’t actually contain any CBD at all (or a very small amount).

So, be sure to research the brand thoroughly to ensure that the COA lines up with what’s listed on the CBD oil label.

CBD oil and Hemp seed oil: final thoughts

Thankfully, the FDA has sent numerous warning letters that are calling out these shady hemp brands [²]. But we still need to do our due diligence and thoroughly research each hemp brand before we make our hemp seed oil or CBD oil purchase.

Regardless if you’re looking for high quality CBD oil or hemp seed oil, we encourage you to only buy from reputable hemp brands.

Feel free to reach out to our Leaf Remedys team for further questions or concerns. We’re happy to help in any way we can!


  1. NCBI: Cannabinoid Profiling of Hemp Seed Oil by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  2. FDA: Warning Letters and Test Results for Cannabidiol-Related Products